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What are ebooks?

An ebook is an electronic format of a regular book. The only difference between a regular book and an ebook is that ebooks are not printed on paper. Ebooks are published in a large variety of electronic file formats (PDF files for exmaple) and can therefore be acquired in formats appropriate for almost any hardware device. Ebooks can be downloaded in a matter of minutes depending on the size of the file and the speed of your internet connection. Ebooks come in all different sizes, depending on the length of the book and the number of images. A novel of about 300 pages can be downloaded in a matter of minutes.


A nursing care plan outlines the nursing care to be provided to a patient. It is a set of actions the nurse will implement to resolve nursing problems identified by assessment. The creation of the plan is an intermediate stage of the nursing process. It guides in the ongoing provision of nursing care and assists in the evaluation of that care.

In the USA, the nursing care plan may consist of a NANDA nursing diagnosis with related factors and subjective and objective data that support the diagnosis, nursing outcome classifications with specified outcomes (or goals) to be achieved including deadlines, and nursing intervention classifications with specified interventions.(Wikipedia)

Gastroenteritis is the irritation and inflammation of the digestive tract. This condition may cause abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Severe cases of gastroenteritis can result in dehydration. In such cases, fluid replacement is the primary factor in treatment. All ages and both sexes may be affected yet the most severe symptoms are experienced by infants and those individuals over sixty years old. The use of certain drugs such as aspirin, antibiotics or cortisone drugs may increase risk for this condition.

Food poisoning, stress, excessive alcohol or tobacco use, viral infections, food allergies, improper diet, certain drugs, food consumed in foreign countries and intestinal parasites are all possible causes for this condition.

Gastroenteritis caused by viral infection or bacteria is easily passed from one person to another. Care should always be taken to wash the hands often, especially when preparing food and after bowel movements. Hand washing after bowel movements is important since the organism that causes this condition lives in the digestive tract.



1. Pengertian

Gastroentritis ( GE ) adalah peradangan yang terjadi pada lambung dan usus yang memberikan gejala diare dengan atau tanpa disertai muntah (Sowden,et all.1996).

Gastroenteritis diartikan sebagai buang air besar yang tidak normal atau bentuk tinja yang encer dengan frekwensi yang lebih banyak dari biasanya (FKUI,1965).
Gastroenteritis adalah inflamasi pada daerah lambung dan intestinal yang disebabkan oleh bakteri yang bermacam-macam,virus dan parasit yang patogen (Whaley & Wong’s,1995).

Gastroenteritis adalah kondisis dengan karakteristik adanya muntah dan diare yang disebabkan oleh infeksi,alergi atau keracunan zat makanan ( Marlenan Mayers,1995 ).
Dari keempat pengertian diatas penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Gstroentritis adalah peradangan yang terjadi pada lambung dan usus yang memberikan gejala diare dengan frekwensi lebih banyak dari biasanya yang disebabkan oleh bakteri,virus dan parasit yang patogen.

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